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lunes, 1 de agosto de 2022

Show HN: How to test whether a STUN/TURN server is working properly

Show HN: How to test whether a STUN/TURN server is working properly A few days ago, I created a simple service for my WebRTC Project: to test if the STUN/TURN servers are working properly. After installing and configuring a STUN/TURN server, most of the developers that are new to this stuff will ask themselves, how do I know if it's working properly? So I made a snippet :) ``` Test Stun/Turn Servers

Test Ice Servers

The STUN server is NOT reachable!

The TURN server is NOT reachable!

``` Alternative to Ref: I hope it will be useful to someone. August 1, 2022 at 08:45AM

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