Codigo: Fox_Marc en la tienda de epic games para apoyarme Blog De Fox_Marc Ahora subo princess connect, fortnite y juegos para móvil mientras farmeo. Intentaré hacer un canal variado inicialmente empiezo con vídeos de Castillo furioso pero en el futuro haré otros tipos de juegos: Call duty, Gta, Mgs, Fortnite, etc Me gustaría dar las gracias a todos los que visitéis mi canal y espero ganarme vuestro like y suscripción. Saludos y bienvenido a mi canal. ^_^
sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: My programming language, building in public for 1 year
Show HN: I made a simple, open source, chromatic tuner mobile app
viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Self Hosted OpenStreetMap using only Sqlite3 and Python
Show HN: Advent of Code 2022 (only first eight in different langs)
Show HN: Graphic AI Art Assistant for WhatsApp
Show HN: Scripting language inspired by JavaScript and GLSL
Show HN: RSS Brain
Show HN: BingeTheTube: binge YouTube channels from oldest to latest
Show HN: – Front-Page Articles Summarized with Machine Learning
jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: – Bitcoin Locked Links
Show HN: A 90s retro game called “Crystal Cave”
Show HN: Qrgpt, a small CLI utility for better code generation
Show HN: VideoBox – Easy video processing as a service
Show HN: Pressn't, a site where you can only have a single post
Show HN: A LinkedIn Chat GPT on Steroids
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2022
Liked on YouTube: Volvemos a los Directos de fortnite??
Powered by Restream Jugando Fortnite con subs Únete aquí Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 9 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - Sígueme y suscríbete con el prime de Amazon ️Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones ¡ Gana dinero con una aplicación móvil muy fácil! - ¡AHORA! NUEVA TEMPORADA 7 DE FORTNITE PASE DE BATALLA Y NUEVO MAPA! #jugandoconsubs #squadsconsubs #jugarfortnite #partidasprivadas #fortnite #outfit #minijuegos #Heretics #partidaprivadafortnite #partidasprivadasfortnite partidas privadas, fortnite en directo, partidas privadas fortnite con subs, partidas privadas fortnite robleis, fortnite partidas privadas servidor brasil, fortnite partidas privadas server brasil, partidas privadas region brasil, fortnite partidas privadas server br, partidas privadas fortnite chile, partidas privadas fortnite willyrex, partidas privadas fortnite thegrefg, partidas privadas fortnite br, partidas privadas fortnite brasil, battle royale, partidas privadas fortnite codigos,partidas privadas fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite lolito, partidas privadas fortnite como crear, partidas privadas fortnite contraseñas, partidas privadas fortnite caos, crear partidas privadas fortnite ps4, partidas privadas fortnite directo, outfit fortnite en directo, partidas privadas outfits, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora, privadas fortnite directo, jugando partidas privadas en fortnite, outfit fortnite directo, jugando con subs fortnite, outfit, outfit fortnite, partida privada fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite región brasil, directos fortnite, fortnite en directo, fortnite partidas privadas, batallas de outfits en directo, directo de fortnite, guerra de outfits fortnite directo, partidas privadas fortnite región brasil en vivo, batalla de outfits fortnite directo, en directo fortnite, en directo partidas privadas, fortnite ao vivo, fortnite batalla de outfits, partida privada en fortnite, partidas privadas con subs,partidas privadas costa este en vivo, partidas privadas en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite guerra de outfits, partidas privadas outfit, batalla de outfits fortnite, directo, directo fortnite partidas privadas dúos, directos ahora mismo fortnite, directos en fortnite, en vivo, en vivo fortnite, fornite en vivo, fortnite directo ahora partidas privadas, jugando fortnite con subs, jugando outfits, jugando partidas privadas, partidas privadas directo, partidas privadas directo fortnite, partidas privadas en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite brasil directo, privadas fortnite costa este, batalla de outfit, batalla outfits fortnite, directo fortnite privadas, directo outfits fortnite, directos ahora mismo, directos de fortnite en vivo, fornite directo, fortnite costa este, fortnite directo partidas privadas, fortnite outfit, guerra de outfits fortnite, jugando con subs, jugando con subs fortnite directo, outfit partidas privadas, outfits region brasil, partida privada, partidas privadas en fortnite, partidas privadas en solitario, partidas privadas en vivo fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite costa este outfit, partidas privadas fortnite costa oeste en vivo, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora mismo, partidas privadas fortnite directo europa, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo brasil, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa oeste, partidas privadas fortnite europa directo, partidas privadas fortnite outfit, partidas privadas outfits en directo, privadas fortnite brasil, privadas fortnite costa este en vivo, batallas de outfits fortnite, como hacer partidas privadas en fortnite, directo de fornite, directo fortnite ahora, directos en vivo, fortnite costumes live, fortnite directo outfit, fortnite directos, fortnite en vivo partidas privadas, fortnite region brasil, jugando fortnite, jugando partidas privadas directo, jugando privadas fortnite, outfits en directo, outfits en directo fortnite, outfits fortnite en vivo, partidas privadas costa este, partidas privadas costa oeste, partidas privadas de fortnite en vivo...
via YouTube
Show HN: This Is How ChatGPT Will Be Monetized
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martes, 27 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Merry Sky, Dark Sky replacement and merry-timeline open source lib
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sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: GPT-3 Powered Shell
Show HN: TapTab – Tab switching web extension for Safari
Show HN: GUI-based free app to backup and restore hard disk on Windows clients
Show HN: Stop ChatGPT misinformation with the power of Community
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Show HN: Twitter Graph - Like Google Trends but for Twitter
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viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Simple golinks server backed by airtable
` and it takes you to a bookmark. Eg, `go/hn` or `go hn` (space is easier to type than forward slash) could take you to . Happy Holidays! December 24, 2022 at 12:03AM
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martes, 20 de diciembre de 2022
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lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: A new word game with a travel theme
Upcoming Capacity Indicators
By Christopher Ward
Next Generation Customer Information displays will show capacity indicators: One figure means there are many seats available. Two figures indicates that there are likely a few empty seats available. Three figures tell you that there’s likely only standing room available.
The SFMTA continues expanding trip planning and accessibility features and improving Muni predictions. This is part of the ongoing Next Generation Customer Information System (CIS) project. One of the newest features is a capacity indicator.
A capacity indicator helps customers understand how much space is available on vehicles. Customers can see the indicator on our Next Generation displays in the bus shelters and on train platforms. Customers may use this information to make travel choices. For example, customers can choose to wait for a less full vehicle or take an alternative route.
As of November 2022, Muni vehicles equipped with automatic onboard passenger counters send capacity information to our Next Generation CIS. This information is now shown symbolically with stick figures. One figure means there are many seats available. Two figures indicates that there are likely a few empty seats available. Three figures tell you that there’s likely only standing room available.
Customers should always yield the priority seating area for people with disabilities, older adults, and pregnant persons.
We’re excited to finally bring these features to our customers and build a system that will help make Muni travel even more efficient, reliable and enjoyable.
Published December 20, 2022 at 12:08AM
Show HN: Desktop Search Powered by Elasticsearch
Show HN: Fort.js – A modern progress bar for form completion
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domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Screen Studio – Beautiful screen recordings in minutes
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sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Factual AI Q&A – Answers based on Huberman Lab transcripts
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Show HN: A magic frame you can prompt to show generated art to an e-ink display
viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Simply see your client hints sent by Chrome
Show HN: MyJekyllBlog - an open source CMS and web host for Jekyll blogs
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jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Simpler – Your GPT-3 Task Planner
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Show HN: Ellie – Your GPT-3 email assistant
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miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2022
Central Subway Brings More Art to Union Square
By Enrique Aguilar
Main entrance to Union Square/Market Street Station during special weekend service
The Union Square/Market Street Station is centered in the heart of the Union Square neighborhood, known for world-class shopping and notable art galleries. With the opening of the Central Subway, a new public art collection arrived, with color schemes complementing the station’s modern architectural design. Collaborations between artists reign at this station, allowing a blend of different artistic concepts.
Erwin Redl titled his piece Lucy in the Sky. It is an illuminated installation comprised of hundreds of translucent 10 x 10 inch light panels, each containing an array of color LEDs. A diamond-shaped pattern is formed by suspended light panels along the entire length of the concourse level corridor’s ceiling. They are computer programmed to slowly change color and display simple patterns, creating an immersive and kaleidoscopic experience.
Jim Campbell and Werner Klotz created a site-specific stainless-steel sculpture called Silent Stream, located on the station’s platform level. Comprised of highly polished steel disks, the overhead installation loops its way through the struts along the length of the platform and reflects the passengers and trains passing below.
Amanda Hughen and Jennifer Starkweather integrated a design into the glass deck and the front faces of the glass elevator enclosures. Titled Convergence: Commute Patterns, the artwork is based on the dynamic and diverse pathways, commute patterns and arterial structures above and below the streets of the Bay Area. The artwork’s visual impact on the station’s exterior alternates from being subtle during the day to backlit at night.
Watch an interview video with comments from Amanda Hughen, Jennifer Starkweather, Erwin Redel, Jim Campbell and Werner Klotz. Get to know the artists and learn directly from them about their work at the new Union Square/Market Street Station. A special thank you to the San Francisco Arts Commission for making public art possible at the four new stations.
Special Weekend Service started on Nov. 19 and will last through the end of the year, Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m. to midnight. Full revenue service will begin January 7, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to midnight and Saturdays and Sundays, 8 a.m. to midnight.
For more artist information:
- Hughen/Starkweather:
- Erwin Redl:
- Jim Campbell and Werner Klotz:
Published December 15, 2022 at 01:24AM
Show HN: I built a feed of engineering blogs from top tech companies
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martes, 13 de diciembre de 2022
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lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2022
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domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2022
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sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2022
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viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: ChatGPT but for Rap Battles
Public Artwork Unveiled Inside New Station in Yerba Buena
By Enrique Aguilar
Have you had a chance to explore the Central Subway's new stations? Special weekend service is Saturdays and Sundays, from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. midnight, through the end of the year. Ride the trains and be mesmerized by beautiful artwork at each new station.
Muni customers will encounter public art when using the four new Central Subway stations to reach their destinations. The art was commissioned by the San Francisco Arts Commission and funded by the City’s Art Enrichment Ordinance, which allocates 2% of the total eligible costs of public works projects for public art. Public art helps draw out the identity of a space, aids in understanding a neighborhood's historical or cultural significance, and builds a connection between the visitor and surrounding community.
The Yerba Buena/Moscone Station includes artwork by Catherine Wagner, Leslie Shows and Roxy Paine. The installations can be found on the station's surface and concourse levels.
Catherine Wagner transformed photographs she took in the late 1970s that document the monumental construction of the George Moscone Convention Center, and focus on ideas of transformation. Titled Arc Cycle, the artwork reproduces several iconic images from this photographic series, translating them into laser-etched granite at the concourse level, and art glass at the station’s entry.
Leslie Shows created Face C/Z, installed in the ticketing hall on the concourse level. Based on an image of iron pyrite made with a consumer grade scanner, the artwork was hand fabricated in a unique style combining mirrored, fused, painted, and engraved glass, sheet metal, and other permanent materials The pyrite (or "fool's gold") image speaks to ever-shifting notions of value in industry and aesthetics, the many historical "gold rushes" of California, and the idea that anything might be made valuable under the right circumstances.
Roxy Paine created a monumental, 110 feet tall sculpture for the public plaza at 4th and Clementina streets outside of the station. Titled Node, the artwork is conceived to emerge from the complex manmade structures existing beneath the sidewalk, including the subway, communication networks, electrical and water supply, and waste systems that are all lifelines of a functioning city. According to Paine, the sculpture is "an elegant line connecting earth to sky, people to underground systems, and sculpture to city." Node is expected to be installed in early 2023.
Mockup of art installation on the station's plaza
Watch an interview video with artists Leslie Shows and Catherine Wagner to learn more about their inspiration for their work on display at the new Yerba Buena/Moscone station. A special thank you to the San Francisco Arts Commission for making public art possible at the four new stations.
Full revenue service will begin January 7, Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to midnight and Saturdays and Sundays, 8 a.m. to midnight.
Stay tuned for additional blogs showcasing public art at the other new Central Subway stations.
For more artist information:
- Roxy Paine:
- Leslie Shows:
- Catherine Wagner:
- Moto Ohtake:
Published December 10, 2022 at 12:35AM
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Hop Onboard Muni and Enjoy Downtown Union Square
By Pamela Johnson
The iconic Cable Cars are just one of the many options to get you to all the holiday festivities in Downtown Union Square!
The SFMTA would like to wish you a Happy Holidays! With festivities, dining, shopping and all the many holiday activities to choose from, Downtown Union Square, much like the rest of the city is making optimistic strides in the city’s economic recovery. Catching Muni, paratransit or a taxi to downtown supports small businesses and is a big boost to our transit goals. Below is a comprehensive list of transit and parking options to head into the heart of the downtown shopping and festivities this holiday season.
Central Subway Special Weekend Shuttle
The Central Subway’s Special Weekend Shuttle has got you covered on Saturday and Sunday’s every 12 minutes from 8 am to 12 am. Deboard at our new Union Square/Market Street Station. From here, you can also transfer to BART’s Powell Station, our regional transit partners.
Muni Metro Light Rail
Muni Bus Lines
For more information, please visit SFMTA Trip Planner.
Cable Cars
Invented here nearly 150 years ago and named a National Historic Landmark in 1964, hop on any of our beloved world famous Cable Cars this season. Be sure to lookout for several Cable Cars decorated in the spirit of the holidays by our dedicated and talented staff. Passengers will travel up and down the hills of San Francisco in this annual holiday tradition.
Additional Services
Free One-Hour Parking at Union Square Garage - the Mayor will be providing one-hour of free parking at our Union Square garage through the end of the year, regular posted rates apply thereafter. All facilities have increased staffing and security, restriped its parking spaces, and upgraded much of its overhead lighting, to make parking easier and safer this holiday.
Additional SFMTA parking garages - Ellis O’Farrell, Sutter-Stockton and Fifth & Mission / Yerba Buena
If you drive, parking in a city-owned garage may be the way to go. And parking rates at city-owned garages are typically 40% less expensive than parking prices in privately-owned garages.
Visit the general holiday parking advisories to learn more about holiday parking rules.
Visit the SFMTA’s list of city-owned parking facilities for a list of public parking garages and lots.
Taxi - with knowledgeable and trustworthy drivers, save some gas and catch a taxi. You’ll not only ride in a clean and safe vehicle, your taxi can use our red transit-only lanes to get to your destination quicker. And since November 9, the Taxi Upfront Fare Pilot Program has been helping customers book a taxi trip through a taxi e-hail app and pay a flat-rate, upfront fare. Being able to request a taxi through approved third-party apps provided customers with upfront information about their fares, relieve meter anxiety and allow customers to price shop for similar on-demand services.
Essential Trip Card - older adults, people with disabilities and other eligible participants can benefit from this discount program paying 20% of the cost of a regular cab. Don’t forget our Shop-a-Round program, a convenient, low-cost shuttle that makes it easier to go grocery shopping for all your holiday meals. The shuttle takes groups of riders to grocery stores or supermarkets in San Francisco where they want to shop. The service offers registered older adults and people with disabilities personalized assistance that is not available on Muni bus and rail lines.
SF Paratransit - is a van and taxi program for people unable to independently use or access public transit because of a disability or disabling health condition. Participants may also use their Essential Trip Card for this service.
For real-time updates, follow us on or visit to sign up for real-time text messages or email alerts.
For details of Muni re-routes, visit This website will be updated when it is closer to the event date.
For additional notifications and agency updates, subscribe to our blogs, daily or weekly updates.
Published December 09, 2022 at 07:20PM
Show HN: LearnGPT – Browse and share ChatGPT examples
Show HN: Ad-Free Lyrics Website
Show HN: Tamagui v1 Release Candidate
jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: A Movie Script Created by ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion
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Show HN: 0xFast – 10x Faster Web3 APIs
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: IKEA Price – Get Notified When an IKEA Product's Price Drops
Show HN: Music quiz web app powered by Spotify API
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Show HN: CodePal – the chat-based code assistant built on top of GPT-3 / ChatGPT
Show HN: Wikijumps, a 3D Wikipedia Browser
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martes, 6 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Codeium – a free, ultrafast AI codegen extension
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sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2022
Show HN: Christmas gift website to solve any problem you have
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miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2022
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A Brief History of the T Third Part 1: 1860-2007
By Jeremy Menzies
Earlier this month, we launched free weekend shuttle service in the Central Subway. And come January 7th, our 4 new stations will connect directly to the rest of the T line from Sunnydale to Chinatown. Through this two-part blog series, we will look back at some of the history of the T from the 1860s to today!
In Part One, we’ll look over the first 150 years from the 1860s to the 2000s. Next month in Part Two, we will take a closer look at the history of the T and Central Subway projects leading up to today’s service.
The Horsecar Era: 1860s-1890s
Starting in the 1860s, transit service along today’s T Line was provided by horsecars. These were small rail cars (that looked much like a cable car) that were pulled along tracks by horses. Two companies, the Omnibus Railroad and the North Beach & Mission Railway, operated horsecar lines on parts of the path of today’s T. These lines were mainly meant to connect North Beach with the 3rd and 4th street corridors as far south as about Townsend Street.
This photo circa the 1880s shows the busy intersection of Kearny, Geary, 3rd and Market streets, looking south to 3rd. In the foreground is a horsecar running up Kearny from 3rd.
Further south on 3rd (then called Kentucky Street), horsecars were operated by the Potrero & Bay View Railroad. Here the route ran over two bridges across Mission Bay and Islais Creek (known as “Longbridge”), ending near today’s 3rd & Gilman. This route served the industrial heart of San Francisco and opened up development in the Bayview but was not very profitable because of its length.
The Electric Streetcar Era: 1890s-1940s
The 1890s marked the dawn of the electric streetcar era in San Francisco. A new technology, electric-powered cars could carry more people over longer distances faster than both horse and cable cars. On top of that, they were cheaper to operate and increased profit potential for transit companies.
This 1911 photo shows two cars passing at 3rd (Kentucky) and 20th streets. On the left is a 16 Line car running to its terminal in the Bayview. At right is a 30 Line car heading north to 8th and Market.
In 1894, the first electric streetcar line began operating along parts of today’s T Line. Known as the 3rd & Kearny Line, it followed much the same route as the early horsecars from North Beach to the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot on Townsend Street. It was extended into the Bayview to 3rd and Palou and eventually was reformed into the 15, 16, and 29 Lines. Each of these served a different portion of the corridor covering differing needs of riders travelling through downtown or all the way out to the Bayview.
A Muni F Stockton streetcar passes Vallejo Street in this photo from 1916.
Muni’s first streetcar line to serve a similar route to the Central Subway portion of the T was the F Stockton, which opened for the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition. The F Line ran along 4th and Stockton streets to serve South of Market, Union Square, Chinatown and North Beach before heading out to end at Chestnut and Scott streets.
Buses along the Bay: 1950s-2000s
Following World War II, the 3rd Street corridor was among the many that saw transit service shift from streetcars to buses. By 1951, the 15 Kearny route served much of the area once covered by the 15, 16, and 29 streetcar lines.
Buses on the 30, 15 and 42 fight the morning rush northbound on 3rd Street in this 1959 photo.
Traveling along portions of today’s 8 Bayshore and T Third, the 15 route went from Powell and Jefferson streets all the way to Geneva and Mission. Eventually, it was extended to City College on Ocean Avenue. While not the only route to serve the area, the 15 carried the bulk of the load for people wishing to travel along this corridor.
On Stockton Street, the 30 Stockton bus took over for the F, following the same route through Chinatown, Union Square, and South of Market to 4th and Townsend streets.
Many long-time riders will recognize this view of a 15 bus on 3rd & Palou. Discontinued with the opening of the T Line in 2007, the 15 was revived as the 15 Bayview-Hunter’s Point Express in 2021.
Tune in next month for a closer look at the history of the T Third and Central Subway Projects.
Published December 01, 2022 at 01:08AM
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Show HN: Sleekplan – Feedback Board, Roadmap, and Changelog for Websites March 30, 2021 at 02:23PM
Show HN: Firefox extension to obfuscate web page text Sometimes you might want to share a screenshot of the website you're on, without r...