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sábado, 22 de enero de 2022

Show HN: Mercury – Publish Jupyter Notebook as web app by adding YAML header

Show HN: Mercury – Publish Jupyter Notebook as web app by adding YAML header Mercury is a perfect tool to share your Python notebooks with non-programmers. - You can turn your notebook into web app. - You can add interactive widgets to your notebook by defining the YAML header. Your users can change the input and execute the notebook. - You can hide your code to not scare your (non-coding) collaborators. - Users can interact with notebook and save they results. - You can share notebook as a web app with multiple users - they don't overwrite original notebook. The demo running at Heroku (free dyno) , at AWS EC2 (t3a.small) - No need to register. January 20, 2022 at 12:26PM

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