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miércoles, 22 de junio de 2022

Show HN: Pragmatic Formal Modeling (Tutorial series with runnable examples)

Show HN: Pragmatic Formal Modeling (Tutorial series with runnable examples) Formal modeling is a mathematical approach for designing and checking correctness of software systems. It focuses on standard software engineering and distributed systems problems of the sort programmers face every day. It takes a pragmatic engineering approach: each problem starts with UML diagrams, design decisions and sometimes even a requirements document. We work through how to get from a whiteboard design to an initial mathematical model. Then we refine it based on logical errors found by the model checker, which return with a level of detail unheard of in a standard debugger. Formal modeling is a skill every engineer should have in their toolbox. All the examples are downloadable, and their is a quick setup section at the start. Additionally, there is an explorable model error debugger build right into the website. June 22, 2022 at 07:43PM

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