Codigo: Fox_Marc en la tienda de epic games para apoyarme Blog De Fox_Marc Ahora subo princess connect, fortnite y juegos para móvil mientras farmeo. Intentaré hacer un canal variado inicialmente empiezo con vídeos de Castillo furioso pero en el futuro haré otros tipos de juegos: Call duty, Gta, Mgs, Fortnite, etc Me gustaría dar las gracias a todos los que visitéis mi canal y espero ganarme vuestro like y suscripción. Saludos y bienvenido a mi canal. ^_^
martes, 7 de marzo de 2023
Escribe !emote y tu emote para unirte al juego
Watch video on YouTube here:
lunes, 6 de marzo de 2023
domingo, 5 de marzo de 2023
sábado, 4 de marzo de 2023
viernes, 3 de marzo de 2023
jueves, 2 de marzo de 2023
miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2023
martes, 28 de febrero de 2023
lunes, 27 de febrero de 2023
domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023
sábado, 25 de febrero de 2023
viernes, 24 de febrero de 2023
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2023
miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023
martes, 21 de febrero de 2023
lunes, 20 de febrero de 2023
se puede ser mas malo jugando fortnite? clip del último directo jugando con subs en fortnite
Watch video on YouTube here:
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023
sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023
viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023
jueves, 16 de febrero de 2023
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023
martes, 14 de febrero de 2023
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2023
domingo, 12 de febrero de 2023
sábado, 11 de febrero de 2023
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2023
#piscinapanoramica #caldea #andorra #viaje #viajes #viajesbaratos parte 8
Nuevo video en el canal de yt a que esperas
Parte 1 2 3 4...
#piscinapanoramica #caldea #andorra #viaje #viajes #viajesbaratos parte 8
Check out my new video 👇
Parte 1 2 3 4...
jueves, 9 de febrero de 2023
#piscinapanoramica #caldea #andorra #viaje #viajes #viajesbaratos parte 7
Nuevo video en el canal de yt a que esperas
Parte 1 2 3 4...
#viaje #viajes #Andorra #caldea #piscinapanoramica #funny #goodvibes parte 6
Nuevo video en el canal de yt a que esperas
Parte 1 2 3 4...
#piscinapanoramica #caldea #andorra #viaje #viajes #viajesbaratos parte 7
Check out my new video 👇
Parte 1 2 3 4...
#viaje #viajes #Andorra #caldea #piscinapanoramica #funny #goodvibes parte 6
Check out my new video 👇
Parte 1 2 3 4...
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2023
#viaje #Andorra #calçots #comida #comidas #beer
video del segundo día comimos una calçotada y un buen entrecote
lunes, 6 de febrero de 2023
sábado, 4 de febrero de 2023
viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Nuevo video en el canal de yt a que esperas
Powered by Restream en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive#priconne #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive #priconne_anime #Cygam...
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Check out my new video 👇
Powered by Restream en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive#priconne #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive #priconne_anime #Cygam...
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Powered by Restream Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive #priconne #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive #priconne_anime #Cygames #Android #iOS #priconner #PrincessConnectReDive #princessconnectre #iosgames #andriodgameplay #androidgames princess connect re dive, princess connect, priconne, princess connect re:dive, priconne guide, mobile gaming, mobile games, gaming, mobile gaming channel, priconne_anime, PrincessConnect, princessconnect, yukari, 6 star, 6 estrellas, priconne season 2, priconne s2, princess connect season 2, princess connect s2, princess, princesses, kokkoro, pecorine, pecorinas, pecorina, pecos, quest, ex, ios, andriod, ios games, android games, cygames, android gameplay, evento, boss, tower of luna, princess connect re dive, princess connect, priconne, princess connect re:dive, priconne guide, mobile gaming, mobile games, gaming, mobile gaming channel, priconne_anime, PrincessConnect, princessconnect, yukari, 6 star, 6 estrellas, priconne season 2, priconne s2, princess connect season 2, princess connect s2, princess, princesses, kokkoro, pecorine, pecorinas, pecorina, pecos, quest, ex, ios, andriod, ios games, android games, cygames, android gameplay, evento, boss, tower of luna, princess connect re dive, princess connect, priconne, princess connect re:dive, priconne guide, mobile gaming, mobile games, gaming, mobile gaming channel, priconne_anime, PrincessConnect, princessconnect, yukari, 6 star, 6 estrellas, priconne season 2, priconne s2, princess connect season 2, princess connect s2, princess, princesses, kokkoro, pecorine, pecorinas, pecorina, pecos, quest, ex, ios, andriod, ios games, android games, cygames, android gameplay, evento, boss, tower of luna,
Powered by Restream en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive#priconne #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive #priconne_anime #Cygam...
jueves, 2 de febrero de 2023
mejor clip del canal fortnite highlight #fortnite #highlights #victory #clip #clips #clipstwitch
clip de fortinte en directo de twitch
clip de fortinte en directo de twitch
mejor clip del canal fortnite highlight #fortnite #highlights #victory #clip #clips #clipstwitch
Check out my new video 👇
clip de fortinte en directo de twitch
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Nuevo video en el canal de yt a que esperas
Powered by Restream en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive#priconne #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive #priconne_anime #Cygam...
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Check out my new video 👇
Powered by Restream en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive#priconne #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive #priconne_anime #Cygam...
Show HN: Voice in 3D in real-time in-browser
Show HN: Voice in 3D in real-time in-browser February 2, 2023 at 01:24PM
Show HN: Serverpod – The Missing Server for Flutter
Show HN: Serverpod – The Missing Server for Flutter We just released Serverpod 1.0 February 2, 2023 at 09:57AM
miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2023
Show HN: Go Feature Flag OSS self-hosted feature flag solution launch v1.0.0
Show HN: Go Feature Flag OSS self-hosted feature flag solution launch v1.0.0 Hey Hackernews! I am the creator and maintainer of GO Feature Flag, a self-hosted OpenSource solution for feature flags (or feature toggles) that requires almost no infrastructure. We store all our flag in a flat file somewhere (S3, github, ...) and we use it directly. Today we have finally released the version v1.0.0 that brings a new flag format that enable you to do even more with your feature flags. The solution offer some capabilities such as: - Targeting specific users - Fancy rollout capabilities (progressive rollout, A/B testing, scheduled rollout). - Exporting your usage in several location. - Compatibility with the new standard Open Feature. All feedback are welcome . Github: v1.0.0 blog post: February 1, 2023 at 09:52PM
Show HN: A lightweight multi person takeout order tally tool hosted on GH Pages
Show HN: A lightweight multi person takeout order tally tool hosted on GH Pages February 1, 2023 at 02:46PM
Show HN: Store your files in the Ethereum blockchain
Show HN: Store your files in the Ethereum blockchain February 1, 2023 at 02:15PM
Show HN: Using Google Sheets to manage localization strings across platforms
Show HN: Using Google Sheets to manage localization strings across platforms As an app developer, I noticed that smaller teams frequently run into the hassles of managing translation strings across iOS, Android and web, and keeping them in sync and up to date. To make this a little easier I've been working on a small utility that allows you to use Google Sheets to manage these translations. Perfect for small teams that do not need any of the advanced features that paid platforms offer, but still want to have an easy to use centralised place to edit these strings. Without creating any account or whatsoever, you can use the Localeasy endpoint to convert your sheet into translations files for multiple platforms: iOS/macOS, Android, Rails, JSON, or YAML. I would love to hear your feedback! February 1, 2023 at 01:41PM
Show HN: 1Daily – Do email 90% faster
Show HN: 1Daily – Do email 90% faster 1Daily is a custom daily digest covering the latest news in your industry. You choose your favorite publications, newsletters, and social media posts, and we’ll summarize it in one simple email. Staying up-to-date with what’s going on in your industry isn’t easy when you’re juggling the day-to-day tasks of building a company. Many of us subscribe to dozens of newsletters and news publications and follow hundreds of social media accounts but don’t actually have the time to consume all of that content. 1Daily gives you the need-to-know information in a simple, digestible format, so you can spend your time serving your customers. Unlike other newsletters, 1Daily is customized to your specific industry and product. You can either add the publications and social accounts that you’d like to be included in your digest or we’ll select a few for you. You can set up your own 1Daily at We’d love to hear what you care about most in a custom daily newsletter. We look forward to everybody’s comments! February 1, 2023 at 02:51AM
martes, 31 de enero de 2023
Show HN: GPTMinus1 – Fool OpenAIs AI Detector by Randomly Replacing Words
Show HN: GPTMinus1 – Fool OpenAIs AI Detector by Randomly Replacing Words This is a joke before anyone gets too worked up. The algo is a simple one which goes and replaces random words with their synonyms. It will obviously beat these AI detectors but the output isn't probably what you would want. The point stands though that more sophisticated approaches that rephrase or mix up the word distribution will be able to throw off the detector and it should not be relied on exclusively for, say, checking if a student assignment is AI generated. February 1, 2023 at 06:26AM
Show HN: KnifeGeek – Online Database of Pocket Knives
Show HN: KnifeGeek – Online Database of Pocket Knives Hey HN! About a year ago i stumbled upon the world of swords, knives, and EDC gear. A weirdly addicting (and expensive) hobby to have. Back then i noticed something, it was quite tedious to easily sift and search through knives based on length, steel, brand, and what not to find the knife for me. There were some great youtube channels that helped me pick out what i wanted however i had to sit through multiple 30 minute videos just to review 10-15 knives or so each. Recently i've been having a little trouble sleeping so i decided to pickup a new passion project to work on late at night, here's KnifeGeek! it's a completely free website where you can search, filter, and sift through an extensive knife database (over 60K+ knives) and add them to your collection or wishlist. You do need to sign in to add stuff to your wishlist or collection and after a bunch of advanced searches. Please check it out and let me know if you think anything is missing! I'll try to flesh it out more on a daily basis if people find it cool or useful. Planning to add in price comparison functionality and more data per knife in the next week. PS: Images are a little shoddy, working on that. February 1, 2023 at 01:08AM
Show HN: Random Wikipedia Article iOS Shortcut
Show HN: Random Wikipedia Article iOS Shortcut January 31, 2023 at 01:35PM
Show HN: GPT-3 generated Hacker News summaries in the style of
Show HN: GPT-3 generated Hacker News summaries in the style of Just a fun experiment I did this morning for those who miss the commentary :D January 31, 2023 at 01:31PM
Show HN: Convert ZigBee sensors to LPWAN sensors with LoRaBridge
Show HN: Convert ZigBee sensors to LPWAN sensors with LoRaBridge January 31, 2023 at 09:59AM
Show HN: Convert AI generated text to human generated
Show HN: Convert AI generated text to human generated January 31, 2023 at 08:52AM
lunes, 30 de enero de 2023
Show HN: My kids interviewed Vint Cerf – this is what he said
Show HN: My kids interviewed Vint Cerf – this is what he said January 31, 2023 at 06:27AM
Show HN: LangChain Tracing
Show HN: LangChain Tracing Something we've been working on for the past few weeks - an easy way to visualize, debug, and explore the execution trace of LangChain agents and chains January 30, 2023 at 03:54PM
Show HN: Manage Yourself with Orbhai
Show HN: Manage Yourself with Orbhai Orbhai is an easy on eyes, offline-first Tasks Management app with Task categorization, flagging and search capabilities. All your data stays on local and no data is shared with the server. I primarily built it for myself, later I thought it might be useful for others too. Please share your feedback. January 30, 2023 at 01:53PM
Show HN: small x86-64 assembler written in V
Show HN: small x86-64 assembler written in V January 30, 2023 at 01:25PM
Show HN: A parser and browser for the recently published Lisa Source Code
Show HN: A parser and browser for the recently published Lisa Source Code January 30, 2023 at 02:54AM
domingo, 29 de enero de 2023
Show HN: ChatGPT writes a song about creating AI in style of Tolkien
Show HN: ChatGPT writes a song about creating AI in style of Tolkien Just finished some work involving ChatGPT when I felt strong Tolkien nostalgia, so asked it to write a song in the style of Hobbit, the result was amusing, so what the heck, here it is: > Write a short song in the style of Tolkien's Hobbit that tells of a skilled programmer creating artificial intelligence Verse 1: In the land of code and screens, Where the bits and bytes do gleam, There lived a programmer so wise, With knowledge and skills that did surprise. Chorus: Creating AI, a masterpiece, A mind so bright, a true release, Bringing forth a new dawn, Of intelligence beyond what's gone. Verse 2: With a flick of his wrist, and a tap of his key, He weaved a spell, of art and decree, An algorithm so pure and fair, That could learn and think, beyond compare. Chorus: Creating AI, a masterpiece, A mind so bright, a true release, Bringing forth a new dawn, Of intelligence beyond what's gone. Bridge: From the data sets, and the endless streams, He crafted a mind, beyond all its seams, With a language so complex, but oh so true, He gave it life, and thus it grew. Chorus: Creating AI, a masterpiece, A mind so bright, a true release, Bringing forth a new dawn, Of intelligence beyond what's gone. Outro: And now it stands, a shining star, With a mind so bright, it can go far, It's a gift to the world, a brand new way, For all to admire, what the programmer's hand did play. January 30, 2023 at 05:47AM
Show HN: Train CIFAR10 to 94% in under 10 seconds on a single A100, world record
Show HN: Train CIFAR10 to 94% in under 10 seconds on a single A100, world record Hi, My career is currently in this field, and I created this project as (effectively, among other things) a living resume, and to also be a really great workbench for hacking/experimenting on different methods. Testing and getting a feel for how different methods work within this framework is truly a delight, and quite simple/fast. Additionally, generally speaking, many of the mathematical concepts should transfer, so this (for me) has been a really great proving grounds in testing out how something might work in a different place in the real world. We hope to get under 2 seconds of training time (for 94%) within about two years or so, so stay tuned for updates as we continue to push more changes that take us faster and faster than our starting point of ~18.1 seconds or so. By the way, this architecture and training hyperparameters do indeed scale well, just increase epochs from 10->80 and base_depth from 64->128 and you'll have about 95.77% accuracy in about 188 seconds or so (just over 3 minutes :D). That alone is a huge boon! Great to see scaling laws working well within this very, very tight hyperparameter resolution. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, Hacker News always seems to get me the most traffic. I really love talking about this project, and can't really seem to find anyone to nerd out about it with. This is very, very cool stuff! So feel free to leave a comment, and I'd love to jump in and chat about it! :D :) <3 <3 :)))) January 30, 2023 at 02:58AM
Show HN: An online IDE that records your coding session
Show HN: An online IDE that records your coding session January 29, 2023 at 10:47PM
Show HN: My AI-Hosted YouTube Channel for Teaching Apple XR Development
Show HN: My AI-Hosted YouTube Channel for Teaching Apple XR Development January 30, 2023 at 12:30AM
Show HN: I got unlimited airport WiFi access
Show HN: I got unlimited airport WiFi access Most airports offer wifi in following variants: #1 unlimited free wifi access #2 time-limited free wifi e.g. 2 hours, after this one has to pay #3 pay upfront for wifi I happen to be in a #2 airport and figured that by changing my MAC address I should be able to circumvent the artificial limitation by the airport through knowing my initial MAC address. On my macbook though the commands ```sudo ifconfig en1 ether 00:e2:e3:e4:e5:e6``` don't seem to work after the year 2018 (thank you apple). After some search though I was able to change the MAC address and enjoy now unlimited wifi while waiting for the airplane. January 29, 2023 at 03:03PM
Show HN: Published Thanks-Dependencies written in Rust
Show HN: Published Thanks-Dependencies written in Rust This only list dependencies(currently only supports cargo of Rust). You can use this lib if you want to list dependencies on your README :) January 29, 2023 at 02:22PM
Show HN: Reinventing the wheel, one product at a time
Show HN: Reinventing the wheel, one product at a time January 29, 2023 at 10:55AM
Show HN: Display Fox Image in the Terminal
Show HN: Display Fox Image in the Terminal January 29, 2023 at 10:00AM
sábado, 28 de enero de 2023
Show HN: QuadSort, Esoteric Fast Sort
Show HN: QuadSort, Esoteric Fast Sort January 29, 2023 at 05:42AM
Show HN: I built a web app to generate Emacs and Vim themes from VSCode theme
Show HN: I built a web app to generate Emacs and Vim themes from VSCode theme Screenshots: Website: Source: Written in Vanilla JS, generation happens entirely in browser. Automatically adds some default faces for few Emacs packages. Vim version also comes with 256 color support for terminals. January 29, 2023 at 01:21AM
Show HN: Clamshell- an experimental Python based shell
Show HN: Clamshell- an experimental Python based shell About a month ago I started a suprisingly-not-that tricky project to build an experimental python repl that I could use instead of bash as a daily shell in windows, mac or linux. It"s more hack-for-exploration than a production ready shell, but here it is! Hope somebody finds it anywhere near as interesting to check out as I found making it. Disclaimer: I know about xonsh and love it (if you haven't heard of it, google it). This project is more pure python and less python and bash interacting - see the readme for more details. January 28, 2023 at 03:28PM
Show HN: Military History Visualized
Show HN: Military History Visualized Hi HN! As one who completely hated history being in school, I'm glad to be launching this tool to make history more fun and engaging. I'd love to hear your feedback and impressions. January 28, 2023 at 03:02PM
Show HN: The “Build Your Own Redis” Book Is Completed
Show HN: The “Build Your Own Redis” Book Is Completed Feedbacks are welcome. January 28, 2023 at 02:25PM
viernes, 27 de enero de 2023
Show HN: Show HN: PlantUML based collaborative UML editor is now open source
Show HN: Show HN: PlantUML based collaborative UML editor is now open source January 28, 2023 at 05:55AM
Show HN: Gist for simplest dotnet cross platform audio player
Show HN: Gist for simplest dotnet cross platform audio player January 28, 2023 at 12:24AM
Show HN: Interact with the terminal in plain English using GPT-3
Show HN: Interact with the terminal in plain English using GPT-3 January 27, 2023 at 04:23PM
Show HN: Netflix Prices in 245 Countries
Show HN: Netflix Prices in 245 Countries January 27, 2023 at 02:18PM
Show HN: Pashword – Hashed Password Calculator
Show HN: Pashword – Hashed Password Calculator January 27, 2023 at 08:55AM
jueves, 26 de enero de 2023
Show HN: Eye-controlled user interface for mobile
Show HN: Eye-controlled user interface for mobile January 27, 2023 at 06:30AM
Show HN: Chrome extension to close Zoom tabs after launching desktop app
Show HN: Chrome extension to close Zoom tabs after launching desktop app Hi HN! I use the desktop versions of Zoom, Notion, and Asana, so at the end of the day, I have a ton of Chrome tabs left over from these services launching their apps. I threw together a little extension to clean these tabs up. Do folks tend to use the browser versions of these apps? Or are there other sites that this extension should support? January 27, 2023 at 04:43AM
Show HN: A.I. Runner
Show HN: A.I. Runner Several months ago I released a pay version of my software A.I. Runner but quickly pulled it due to some technical issues. I also didn't care for the architecture (a .net form app running a python server and communicating over a socket). I reworked the application and have relaunched it today. It is written in pure python and has a number of features that the previous version lacked. Current features are txt2img, img2img, inpaint, outpaint, an image gallery, an editable huggingface model db, sprite mode (for easy pixel sprite creation - the whole reason I started the app in the first place) an infinite canvas for outpainting and more. I have released it as a free application and would appreciate any feedback. I recommend installing with the launcher as this will allow you to easily check for updates. January 27, 2023 at 01:31AM
Show HN: I made a video game to help reduce stress and anxiety (Free)
Show HN: I made a video game to help reduce stress and anxiety (Free) January 26, 2023 at 08:20AM
Show HN: Coder Guard – Protect Your IDE from Malicious Extensions
Show HN: Coder Guard – Protect Your IDE from Malicious Extensions There is a growing problem with VSCode extensions: - they're not sandboxed (yet) - just like double-clicking an .exe file - they don't have a permission model - they auto update - they have built-in persistence - they are installed on developer machines with high-value credentials The recent CircleCI and LastPass incidents were both suspected to originate from a compromised developer machine - which is becoming every organization's Achilles heel in terms of cyber posture So I've been working on a way to help mitigate some of these risks Right now, only an MVP of a "CLI" is available: $ code --list-extensions --show-versions | curl --data-binary @- Which will list your installed extensions with some enriched information to vet their trustfulness But much more detailed threat intel will be shown in the upcoming website and extension, including - Behavioural data gathered from running the extension on an instrumented sandbox environment - The ability to define policies to allow or block extension installs/updates, based on your specific risk appetite For updates, sign up at or follow The reason I'm posting this now is because I'd like to get some feedback in order to course-correct to make sure what I build actually solves people's problems I'd be happy to read any comments, or answer any questions January 26, 2023 at 07:49AM
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2023
Show HN: VSCode like editor in an extension. Make code alterations fast
Show HN: VSCode like editor in an extension. Make code alterations fast January 26, 2023 at 06:50AM
Show HN: I made a site that automatically unsubscribes you from unread emails
Show HN: I made a site that automatically unsubscribes you from unread emails Hi Guys, I'm Spencer and recently built AutoUnsubscribe to keep on top of my email subscriptions. The basic idea is: Automatically unsubscribe from unwanted emails that you never open, so you can focus on the emails that matter, saving yourself time and effort. I find overtime I accumulate hundreds of email subscriptions accidentally, especially when I ran an ecommerce business where our emails seemed to end up on all our suppliers, and their suppliers mailing lists. Some people stay on top of unsubscribing easily, however it's something I've always struggled with, especially having ADHD. I wanted a way to stop my inboxes getting out of control without me having to do anything so I built this app. An added bonus is it helps you unsubscribe from subscriptions you were on the fence about unsubscribing too, as it points out you have not even opened them. It also warns you before unsubscribing and gives you a chance to whitelist a subscription, to make sure you keep the ones you care about. I realised a lot of people would get the most value out of AutoUnsubscribe very quickly, so I wanted to provide an option for them, as opposed to just subscribing for a month and then cancelling. As a result the base pricing is $5 for seven days, which will let you basically clean out your inbox. I built out the app using Ruby on Rails, to avoid getting lost in the complexity of Javascript frameworks, as an individual developer/designer I think it was the right choice. The app is privacy focused, I will never share or sell your data. It's also why it is a paid app. I know free unsubscribe apps in the past have monetized by selling user data. You can see the site here: January 25, 2023 at 04:45AM
Show HN: GPTKit – ChatGPT and AI Generated Text Detection Tool
Show HN: GPTKit – ChatGPT and AI Generated Text Detection Tool Hey, HN community, We are thrilled to introduce GPTKit, our AI text generation detection tool that helps users identify human-written and machine-generated text. With GPTKit, detecting generated text is easy and accurate. Our tool uses 6 distinct methods to classify text with a 90% accuracy rate, based on testing a dataset of 100K samples. We would love to hear your thoughts on GPTKit, please give it a try and let us know your feedback. You can check it out at Cheers! January 25, 2023 at 10:57PM
Show HN: A tool to design and run user state machines
Show HN: A tool to design and run user state machines Hi everyone, I’m Joe, CTO at Dopt. We’re building a tool that lets you design user state machines with an SDK so that you can run them in your product. We offer a React SDK that lets you create instances of those machines for any user of your product and exposes methods for transitioning the state of the user—effectively moving them through the machine. Dopt then acts as a persistence layer for the users’ machine state. We call our machines “flows”. Dopt lets you send in data about your users (identify calls/properties) and lets non-devs define rules based on that data for which users should enter the flows. Non-devs can also update content and other custom properties that can be referenced via the SDK. For example, with Dopt’s SDK you can build: - a multi-step, interactive product walkthrough that helps users learn how to use a product by using it ( ) -a getting started checklist that helps a team get setup and activated ( ) You can see a short 4 minute demo of how Dopt at We make iteration on your state modeling easy with flow versioning, and we even handle migrating your users between versions on the fly. Dopt’s UI lets everyone easily track how users move through your flows and provides controls for enabling/disabling or resetting them. We’ll work right alongside your analytics and experimentation tools. We started Dopt because we’ve seen the teams building onboarding/education flows struggle with a similar set of issues that Dopt sets out to solve: - Homegrown onboarding is time-consuming to maintain (and it changes a lot!). The logic of the flows is complex and opaque to non-developers and devs are forced to be in the loop for every small copy, targeting, and logic change. - The customer and user data needed to show people relevant experiences lives in multiple places and is hard to build interactive experiences with (e.g. what’s their use case, what plan they’re on, what they’ve done in the product, what other teammates have done in the product, etc…). - Persisting and migrating user flow state is hard. The existing tools aimed at helping people put onboarding into their products frankly suck. They’re not built for developers, only offer boilerplate components, and have brittle integration points that are hard to troubleshoot. They end up producing mostly low-quality tooltip tours. We’re in a closed beta period right now but are looking to find more people building product onboarding that are willing to give Dopt a spin. We’re not charging for Dopt during our beta period and are just asking for feedback to help us learn how to make Dopt better. We’ll eventually start charging later this year (by monthly tracked users) when we go fully self-service but are planning on having a “free in-perpetuity” tier for small use cases to make it easy to evaluate whether Dopt’s valuable. We won’t pull the rug out from anyone who’s built with us during the closed beta. You can signup for our waitlist on or drop us a note at If you mention HN we’ll skip you to the head of the line and get you product access. We’d love any feedback on the site, docs, and examples too! January 26, 2023 at 12:07AM
martes, 24 de enero de 2023
Show HN: StackOverflow-Like for ChatGPT Prompts
Show HN: StackOverflow-Like for ChatGPT Prompts January 24, 2023 at 06:33PM
Show HN: Create QuickBooks Sale Receipt from 3rd Party Transactions
Show HN: Create QuickBooks Sale Receipt from 3rd Party Transactions Hello everyone. I created a very niche product for my payment gateway customers. They are struggling with the manual process of marking transaction(s) as received in QuickBooks for their franchisor reports and bookkeeping. turns a manual process into an almost fully automated solution by turning a transaction into a Sale Receipt. We currently support NMi gateways or affiliated gateways and soon importing CSV files. If you are interested you can join the beta program at Hacker News registrants will be granted access in front of the line. Have a good day! January 24, 2023 at 07:12PM
Show HN: LowEndInsight – a “bus-factor” risk analysis tool
Show HN: LowEndInsight – a “bus-factor” risk analysis tool What began as a pet-project a few years back, an a start to learning functional programming with Elixir, turned into a bit of a research effort for CS students. I'd asked them what info could they glean from a git repository, specifically about the risks associated with using it (or becoming dependent on it). The focus quickly arrived at "bus factor" - what happens when the main developer moves on. From there we started thinking about other metrics and a couple stood out - mainly the distribution of contributions, and the obvious commit currency time. The initial research was focused on library packages from the main ecosystems - e.g., Javascript's NPM and Python's PyPI. We quickly found that to be a massive challenge - at the time neither required packages to provide a valid URL pointing to their source code. This itself was an indicator of something. Once the students moved on I continued to think about and would occasionally get asked about the tool. So I picked it back up and slapped an API on it and exposed it via HTTPS POST and GETs. I am generally looking for feedback. Probably more about the issues associated with dependence on Open Source libraries - the risks derived as software atrophy happens. But what are your ideas about the metainformation that is sitting in a software project's source history. I've considered doing some ML-y stuff with the commit history, but haven't really found the right things there yet. Here are some links to the details: * Library: * API: * API Source: * CLI: * CLI Source: * Demo - GitHub Trending Repos: I've capped the number of requests at RapidAPI, but if you really think the tool is useful I can issue you freer, more unlimited access by request. Let me have it HN. And thanks in advance. January 24, 2023 at 03:49PM
Show HN: Semantic search and workflows for medical/scientific papers
Show HN: Semantic search and workflows for medical/scientific papers January 24, 2023 at 04:33PM
Show HN: Realtime GPU-powered implicit function plotter in your browser
Show HN: Realtime GPU-powered implicit function plotter in your browser January 24, 2023 at 01:41PM
Show HN: ThisResumeDoesNotExist – ChatGPT generated resumes of famous people
Show HN: ThisResumeDoesNotExist – ChatGPT generated resumes of famous people January 24, 2023 at 01:34PM
lunes, 23 de enero de 2023
Show HN: Contribute to a Truly Open Social Network
Show HN: Contribute to a Truly Open Social Network January 24, 2023 at 12:57AM
Show HN: Pybond – A spying and stubbing library inspired by bond (Clojure)
Show HN: Pybond – A spying and stubbing library inspired by bond (Clojure) January 23, 2023 at 09:02AM
Show HN: Shite: The little hot-reloadin' static site maker from shell
Show HN: Shite: The little hot-reloadin' static site maker from shell Or more precisely, my little site maker... It is a personal tool that I thoroughly enjoyed making, and enjoy using to write my website < >. A caveat before any more; nobody was supposed to promote this insanity. Like, terrible things have been done involving inotify and xdotool. But . It showed up on HN some months ago. That too while it was still, shall we say, fermenting. It got "done" some time thence, and of course one could not let the half-past just be . So here we are, for better or worse. Thank you HN mods for helping me repost! _\\// The README explains all, animated GIFs and whatnot. Some assorted highlights: - shite's, ah, "business logic" (except templates) is about 300 lines of Bash, written in Functional Programming style [^]. Pipeline all the things! - The innards won't surprise Perl/PHP/Shell gentleperson hackers from the last century. - The local hot reloading workflow is surprisingly nice, and occasionally hilarious! No JavaScript needed. - Full rebuilds are low performance and that's fine :) - Pandoc is great. - Sometimes sed and regex is exactly the HTML parser you need. *Very* sometimes. - stdio buffering can mess you up - jq -Rr @html # escapes HTML; what?! ... and all sorts of other stuff noted in the README and inline docs. [^] because shell ain't a bad place to FP... --- P.S.The commit history stops at 3-odd months ago, because I've been using a private fork for day-to-day content drafting, publishing, and layout tweaks. The "business logic" is by and large the same as the public version linked here. January 23, 2023 at 09:13AM
Show HN: Making an open source project regrouping the most interesting AI APIs
Show HN: Making an open source project regrouping the most interesting AI APIs Hi, I'm working on a project that regroups all best AI (AIaaS) from different providers (GCP, AWS, Azure, DeepL, etc.) in one API ( ). I've got asked the question : why aren't you regrouping Open Source models (instead of proprietary APIs) into one repo? Well because it doesn't make sens to deploy and maintain large pytorch (or other framework) AI models (especially for document parsing, image and video moderation or speech recognition) in every solution that wants AI capabilities. So using APIs makes way more sens. Deployed OpenSource models are being included using different APIs like HuggingFace and other equivalents. The current plan is to add some of these AI capabilities into n8n automation ( ) and Odoo App ( ) (receipt, resume and ID document parsing, content moderation and translation) . Some other capabilities can include : summarization, keyword extraction, sentiment analysis for text data and also speech to text or image and video tagging. Do you know other Open Source projects You want this could integrate to ? January 23, 2023 at 11:09AM
domingo, 22 de enero de 2023
Show HN: DIY Ngrok Alternative
Show HN: DIY Ngrok Alternative January 22, 2023 at 11:04PM
Show HN: Schedule flexible 1:1's or team meetings using AI
Show HN: Schedule flexible 1:1's or team meetings using AI January 22, 2023 at 10:39PM
Show HN: Tmfi: The Missing Firefox Installer
Show HN: Tmfi: The Missing Firefox Installer Mozilla provides prebuilt versions of Firefox for macOS, Windows and Linux. Unfortunately, the Linux version is just a tarball, so it does not create a menu entry or install itself in $PATH. tmfi fixes this. January 22, 2023 at 07:15PM
New AI edits images based on text instructions
New AI edits images based on text instructions January 22, 2023 at 05:25AM
Show HN: Billionaire Activist Investor calling for more layoffs [pdf]
Show HN: Billionaire Activist Investor calling for more layoffs [pdf] January 22, 2023 at 01:57PM
Show HN: Task Completion Engine
Show HN: Task Completion Engine Hi HN, This is Saravanan. I built a simple tool to assist you to complete a given task. I love to hear your thoughts / feedback on this POC. Thank you January 22, 2023 at 08:05AM
sábado, 21 de enero de 2023
Liked on YouTube: Jugando con subs en fortnite Suscríbete para salir en pantalla
Jugando con subs en fortnite Suscríbete para salir en pantalla
Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Tik Tok - - 3.3k Seguidores Instagram (TFM) Team Fox_Marc - 20 Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 3,4 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - 1k Seguidores Mis Islas Creativas - Creative codes My island creative - Códigos creativo La NUEVA TIENDA de FORTNITE HOY |Fox Marc | día 23 de agosto 2020 Streamloot - - Cofres Instagram - - 770 Seguidores Facebook - - 2.2k Seguidores Twitter - - 280 Seguidores Wizebot - Discord - - 50 Seguidores Blog - - Blog Oficial Fox_Marc Programa Multi Streaming - Red Streams ️ Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones Gana dinero con aplicación móvil muy fácil!! - Si quieres donar gratis sin coste para ti para ayudar al canal descarga esta programa - - y doname lo que consigas Pregunta por los comentarios si quieres saber mas... Trn Fox_Marc #jugandoconsubs #squadsconsubs #jugarfortnite #partidasprivadas #fortnite #outfit #minijuegos #Heretics #partidaprivadafortnite #partidasprivadasfortnite fortnite ao vivo, fortnite batalla de outfits, partida privada en fortnite, partidas privadas con subs,partidas privadas costa este en vivo, partidas privadas en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite guerra de outfits, partidas privadas outfit, batalla de outfits fortnite, directo, directo fortnite partidas privadas dúos, directos ahora mismo fortnite, directos en fortnite, en vivo, en vivo fortnite, fornite en vivo, fortnite directo ahora partidas privadas, jugando fortnite con subs, jugando outfits, jugando partidas privadas, partidas privadas directo, partidas privadas directo fortnite, partidas privadas en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite brasil directo, privadas fortnite costa este, batalla de outfit, batalla outfits fortnite, directo fortnite privadas, directo outfits fortnite, directos ahora mismo, directos de fortnite en vivo, fornite directo, fortnite costa este, fortnite directo partidas privadas, fortnite outfit, guerra de outfits fortnite, jugando con subs, jugando con subs fortnite directo, outfit partidas privadas, outfits region brasil, partida privada, partidas privadas en fortnite, partidas privadas en solitario, partidas privadas en vivo fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite costa este outfit, partidas privadas fortnite costa oeste en vivo, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora mismo, partidas privadas fortnite directo europa, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo brasil, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa oeste, partidas privadas fortnite europa directo, partidas privadas fortnite outfit, partidas privadas outfits en directo, privadas fortnite brasil, privadas fortnite costa este en vivo, batallas de outfits fortnite, como hacer partidas privadas en fortnite, directo de fornite, directo fortnite ahora, directos en vivo, fortnite costumes live, fortnite directo outfit, fortnite directos, fortnite en vivo partidas privadas, fortnite region brasil, jugando fortnite, jugando partidas privadas directo, jugando privadas fortnite, outfits en directo, outfits en directo fortnite, outfits fortnite en vivo, partidas privadas costa este, partidas privadas costa oeste, partidas privadas de fortnite en vivo... GPU: GeForce GTX 1660 | GeForce GT 1030 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2689 0 @ 2.60GHz Memoria: 32 GB RAM (31.92 GB RAM libre) Resolución actual: 1920 x 1080, 60Hz Sistema operativo: Windows 10
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Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Tik Tok - - 3.3k Seguidores Instagram (TFM) Team Fox_Marc - 20 Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 3,4 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - 1k Seguidores Mis Islas Creativas - Creative codes My island creative - Códigos creativo La NUEVA TIENDA de FORTNITE HOY |Fox Marc | día 23 de agosto 2020 Streamloot - - Cofres Instagram - - 770 Seguidores Facebook - - 2.2k Seguidores Twitter - - 280 Seguidores Wizebot - Discord - - 50 Seguidores Blog - - Blog Oficial Fox_Marc Programa Multi Streaming - Red Streams ️ Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones Gana dinero con aplicación móvil muy fácil!! - Si quieres donar gratis sin coste para ti para ayudar al canal descarga esta programa - - y doname lo que consigas Pregunta por los comentarios si quieres saber mas... Trn Fox_Marc #jugandoconsubs #squadsconsubs #jugarfortnite #partidasprivadas #fortnite #outfit #minijuegos #Heretics #partidaprivadafortnite #partidasprivadasfortnite fortnite ao vivo, fortnite batalla de outfits, partida privada en fortnite, partidas privadas con subs,partidas privadas costa este en vivo, partidas privadas en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite guerra de outfits, partidas privadas outfit, batalla de outfits fortnite, directo, directo fortnite partidas privadas dúos, directos ahora mismo fortnite, directos en fortnite, en vivo, en vivo fortnite, fornite en vivo, fortnite directo ahora partidas privadas, jugando fortnite con subs, jugando outfits, jugando partidas privadas, partidas privadas directo, partidas privadas directo fortnite, partidas privadas en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite brasil directo, privadas fortnite costa este, batalla de outfit, batalla outfits fortnite, directo fortnite privadas, directo outfits fortnite, directos ahora mismo, directos de fortnite en vivo, fornite directo, fortnite costa este, fortnite directo partidas privadas, fortnite outfit, guerra de outfits fortnite, jugando con subs, jugando con subs fortnite directo, outfit partidas privadas, outfits region brasil, partida privada, partidas privadas en fortnite, partidas privadas en solitario, partidas privadas en vivo fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite costa este outfit, partidas privadas fortnite costa oeste en vivo, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora mismo, partidas privadas fortnite directo europa, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo brasil, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa oeste, partidas privadas fortnite europa directo, partidas privadas fortnite outfit, partidas privadas outfits en directo, privadas fortnite brasil, privadas fortnite costa este en vivo, batallas de outfits fortnite, como hacer partidas privadas en fortnite, directo de fornite, directo fortnite ahora, directos en vivo, fortnite costumes live, fortnite directo outfit, fortnite directos, fortnite en vivo partidas privadas, fortnite region brasil, jugando fortnite, jugando partidas privadas directo, jugando privadas fortnite, outfits en directo, outfits en directo fortnite, outfits fortnite en vivo, partidas privadas costa este, partidas privadas costa oeste, partidas privadas de fortnite en vivo... GPU: GeForce GTX 1660 | GeForce GT 1030 CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2689 0 @ 2.60GHz Memoria: 32 GB RAM (31.92 GB RAM libre) Resolución actual: 1920 x 1080, 60Hz Sistema operativo: Windows 10
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Liked on YouTube: Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Powered by Restream Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive #priconne #priconne_anime #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive princess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellas, princess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,priconne season 2,priconne s2,princess connect season 2,princess connect s2,princess,princesses,kokkoro,pecorine,pecorinas,pecorina,pecos, princess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,priconne season 2,priconne s2,princess connect season 2,princess connect s2,princess,princesses,kokkoro,pecorine,pecorinas,pecorina,pecos
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Powered by Restream Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive #priconne #priconne_anime #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive princess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellas, princess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,priconne season 2,priconne s2,princess connect season 2,princess connect s2,princess,princesses,kokkoro,pecorine,pecorinas,pecorina,pecos, princess connect re dive,princess connect,priconne,princess connect re:dive,priconne guide,mobile gaming,mobile games,gaming,mobile gaming channel,priconne_anime,PrincessConnect,princessconnect,princessconnectre,yukari,yukari 6 star quest,6 star,6 estrellas,yukari 6 estrellasprincess connect re dive,priconne season 2,priconne s2,princess connect season 2,princess connect s2,princess,princesses,kokkoro,pecorine,pecorinas,pecorina,pecos
via YouTube
Show HN: A lightweight tRPC-like alternative
Show HN: A lightweight tRPC-like alternative January 21, 2023 at 07:59AM
Show HN: Linux and Windows CalDAV calendar client
Show HN: Linux and Windows CalDAV calendar client Hello, I have been developing self hosted CalDAV calendar Bloben (, which is now available also as standalone Electron desktop client for Linux and Windows. It is using same client and server code base with some changes like: - switching from PostgreSQL database to SQLite - requests are handled with IPC - no account management, just single user Why Electron app when there is already self hosted client? I think there are some people, who don't want all features from self hosted version and using desktop app might be easier for them or it is just better alternative (be it maintenance, security, features). Published versions are advised to be for testing purposes only due to possibly many bugs. They can be found here: Main git repository is here: Thank you and feel free to try it or ask if you are interested in anything. January 21, 2023 at 02:01PM
Show HN: Made to fit alternative to ready fast fashion
Show HN: Made to fit alternative to ready fast fashion Our attempt to provide a made to fit or personalised garments as an alternative to fast fashion brands. January 21, 2023 at 11:34AM
viernes, 20 de enero de 2023
Show HN: A Rusty iOS Calculator Clone
Show HN: A Rusty iOS Calculator Clone A browser based iOS calculator clone, written in Rust, compiled to WebAssembly. Repository: January 20, 2023 at 01:54PM
jueves, 19 de enero de 2023
Show HN: Free, open-source tool for backing up Microsoft 365 Data – Corso
Show HN: Free, open-source tool for backing up Microsoft 365 Data – Corso January 20, 2023 at 12:26AM
Liked on YouTube: Fornite, ganaré alguna?
Fornite, ganaré alguna?
Jugando Fornite
via YouTube
Jugando Fornite
via YouTube
Show HN: Music Audio Search Engine Using OpenAI's Embeddings on GPT Descriptions
Show HN: Music Audio Search Engine Using OpenAI's Embeddings on GPT Descriptions I am excited to announce a new tool for music producers and audio enthusiasts - a music audio search engine. With just a simple description of the groove you're looking for, our semantic search engine will output the most similar audio in seconds. I used the API to upload over 3,000 grooves to MongoDB, and combined all the relevant data such as tags, title, description, BPM, etc. into OpenAI's Text-Davinci to generate a unique description of each sound. I then embedded these descriptions using the Ada Embeddings Model and inserted them into Pinecone DB vector database, making it easier to find the perfect sound for your next project. This search engine is designed to save you time and make your music production process more efficient. Give it a try and see the difference it makes in your workflow. I would also appreciate any feedback on how I can improve the website and make it even more user-friendly. January 20, 2023 at 03:07AM
Show HN: lakeFS – Version Control for Big Data
Show HN: lakeFS – Version Control for Big Data January 19, 2023 at 05:18PM
Liked on YouTube: Jugando con subs en fortnite Con varelinsky y los panas
Jugando con subs en fortnite Con varelinsky y los panas
Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Tik Tok - - 3.3k Seguidores Instagram (TFM) Team Fox_Marc - 20 Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 3,4 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - 1k Seguidores Mis Islas Creativas - Creative codes My island creative - Códigos creativo La NUEVA TIENDA de FORTNITE HOY |Fox Marc | día 23 de agosto 2020 Streamloot - - Cofres Instagram - - 770 Seguidores Facebook - - 2.2k Seguidores Twitter - - 280 Seguidores Wizebot - Discord - - 50 Seguidores Blog - - Blog Oficial Fox_Marc Programa Multi Streaming - Red Streams ️ Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones Gana dinero con aplicación móvil muy fácil!! - Si quieres donar gratis sin coste para ti para ayudar al canal descarga esta programa - - y doname lo que consigas Pregunta por los comentarios si quieres saber mas... Trn Fox_Marc #jugarfortnite #EpicPartner #EpicAmbassador ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Fortnite Capítulo 2 - La actualización de la temporada 4 está cerca, hoy hablaremos del Pase de batalla de la temporada 4 de Fortnite, las nuevas filtraciones e información de la temporada 4 , el tráiler de la temporada 4 del Capítulo 2 de Fortnite que llegaria con los nuevos superheroes del evento EN VIVO y final de esta temporada que se ha filtradro en la reciente Actualización de Fortnite v13.40 y la Fecha de lanzamiento oficial de la Temporada 4 en el Capítulo 2 de Fortnite o la Actualización de Fortnite v14.00 Mira el video completo para saber todo acerca de la nueva temporada y pase de batalla #Fortnite #Temporada4 #PaseDeBatalla #directofortnite #partidasprivadas #jugandoconsubs #tiendafortnitehoy #objetoshoy #nuevatienda #tiendadefortnite #latiendadehoy #FortniteTienda #Fortnite #fortnitebattleroyale #ps4 #xboxone #dance #fortniteshop #fornite #chatdevoz #fox_marc Fortnite,FoX_Marc,jugando con subs,jugando partidas privadas,fornite,jugando fortnite,jugando con suscriptores,suscriptores,subs,directos de fortnite,directo partidas privadas,jugando,directo con suscriptores,fortnite: battle royale,español,jugar,partidas privadas,privadas fortnite,partidas privadas en directo,fortnite directo,partidas personalizadas,minijuegos,jugando partidas privadas en fortnite,refriega, Fortnite,FoX_Marc,jugando con subs,jugando partidas privadas,fornite,jugando fortnite,jugando con suscriptores,suscriptores,directos de fortnite,directo partidas privadas,jugando,directo con suscriptores,fortnite: battle royale,partidas privadas,privadas fortnite,partidas privadas en directo,fortnite directo,partidas personalizadas,jugando partidas privadas en fortnite,fox_,fortnite gameplay,fortnite season 3,fortnite battle royale,partidas presonalizadas, Fortnite,FoX_Marc,jugando con subs,jugando partidas privadas,fornite,jugando fortnite,jugando con suscriptores,suscriptores,directos de fortnite,directo partidas privadas,jugando,directo con suscriptores,fortnite: battle royale,partidas privadas,privadas fortnite,partidas privadas en directo,fortnite directo,partidas personalizadas,jugando partidas privadas en fortnite,fox_,fortnite gameplay,fortnite season 3,fortnite battle royale,partidas presonalizadas fortnite, pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla gratis, pase de batalla capitulo 2 temporada 4, temporada 4 fortnite, fortnite temporada 4, temporada 4 capitulo 2 fortnite, pase de batalla gratis, recompensas gratis, recompensas ocultas fortnite, recompensas en fortnite, pase de batalla gratis de fortnite, fortnite temporada 4 pase de batalla, fortnite temporada 4 capitulo 2, temporada 4, blend freshon, recompensas gratis fortnite, fortnite, pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla gratis, pase de batalla capitulo 2 temporada 4, temporada 4 fortnite, fortnite temporada 4, temporada 4 capitulo 2 fortnite, pase de batalla gratis, recompensas gratis, recompensas ocultas fortnite, recompensas en fortnite, pase de batalla gratis de fortnite, fortnite temporada 4 pase de batalla, fortnite temporada 4 capitulo 2, temporada 4, recompensas gratis fortnite
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Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Tik Tok - - 3.3k Seguidores Instagram (TFM) Team Fox_Marc - 20 Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 3,4 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - 1k Seguidores Mis Islas Creativas - Creative codes My island creative - Códigos creativo La NUEVA TIENDA de FORTNITE HOY |Fox Marc | día 23 de agosto 2020 Streamloot - - Cofres Instagram - - 770 Seguidores Facebook - - 2.2k Seguidores Twitter - - 280 Seguidores Wizebot - Discord - - 50 Seguidores Blog - - Blog Oficial Fox_Marc Programa Multi Streaming - Red Streams ️ Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones Gana dinero con aplicación móvil muy fácil!! - Si quieres donar gratis sin coste para ti para ayudar al canal descarga esta programa - - y doname lo que consigas Pregunta por los comentarios si quieres saber mas... Trn Fox_Marc #jugarfortnite #EpicPartner #EpicAmbassador ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Fortnite Capítulo 2 - La actualización de la temporada 4 está cerca, hoy hablaremos del Pase de batalla de la temporada 4 de Fortnite, las nuevas filtraciones e información de la temporada 4 , el tráiler de la temporada 4 del Capítulo 2 de Fortnite que llegaria con los nuevos superheroes del evento EN VIVO y final de esta temporada que se ha filtradro en la reciente Actualización de Fortnite v13.40 y la Fecha de lanzamiento oficial de la Temporada 4 en el Capítulo 2 de Fortnite o la Actualización de Fortnite v14.00 Mira el video completo para saber todo acerca de la nueva temporada y pase de batalla #Fortnite #Temporada4 #PaseDeBatalla #directofortnite #partidasprivadas #jugandoconsubs #tiendafortnitehoy #objetoshoy #nuevatienda #tiendadefortnite #latiendadehoy #FortniteTienda #Fortnite #fortnitebattleroyale #ps4 #xboxone #dance #fortniteshop #fornite #chatdevoz #fox_marc Fortnite,FoX_Marc,jugando con subs,jugando partidas privadas,fornite,jugando fortnite,jugando con suscriptores,suscriptores,subs,directos de fortnite,directo partidas privadas,jugando,directo con suscriptores,fortnite: battle royale,español,jugar,partidas privadas,privadas fortnite,partidas privadas en directo,fortnite directo,partidas personalizadas,minijuegos,jugando partidas privadas en fortnite,refriega, Fortnite,FoX_Marc,jugando con subs,jugando partidas privadas,fornite,jugando fortnite,jugando con suscriptores,suscriptores,directos de fortnite,directo partidas privadas,jugando,directo con suscriptores,fortnite: battle royale,partidas privadas,privadas fortnite,partidas privadas en directo,fortnite directo,partidas personalizadas,jugando partidas privadas en fortnite,fox_,fortnite gameplay,fortnite season 3,fortnite battle royale,partidas presonalizadas, Fortnite,FoX_Marc,jugando con subs,jugando partidas privadas,fornite,jugando fortnite,jugando con suscriptores,suscriptores,directos de fortnite,directo partidas privadas,jugando,directo con suscriptores,fortnite: battle royale,partidas privadas,privadas fortnite,partidas privadas en directo,fortnite directo,partidas personalizadas,jugando partidas privadas en fortnite,fox_,fortnite gameplay,fortnite season 3,fortnite battle royale,partidas presonalizadas fortnite, pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla gratis, pase de batalla capitulo 2 temporada 4, temporada 4 fortnite, fortnite temporada 4, temporada 4 capitulo 2 fortnite, pase de batalla gratis, recompensas gratis, recompensas ocultas fortnite, recompensas en fortnite, pase de batalla gratis de fortnite, fortnite temporada 4 pase de batalla, fortnite temporada 4 capitulo 2, temporada 4, blend freshon, recompensas gratis fortnite, fortnite, pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla, fortnite pase de batalla gratis, pase de batalla capitulo 2 temporada 4, temporada 4 fortnite, fortnite temporada 4, temporada 4 capitulo 2 fortnite, pase de batalla gratis, recompensas gratis, recompensas ocultas fortnite, recompensas en fortnite, pase de batalla gratis de fortnite, fortnite temporada 4 pase de batalla, fortnite temporada 4 capitulo 2, temporada 4, recompensas gratis fortnite
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Show HN: DoomCheck: A tool for probabilistically estimating project size
Show HN: DoomCheck: A tool for probabilistically estimating project size January 19, 2023 at 03:51PM
Show HN: Retool Mobile
Show HN: Retool Mobile January 19, 2023 at 04:31PM
Liked on YouTube: Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Powered by Restream Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive #priconne #priconne_anime #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive
via YouTube
Powered by Restream Farmeando en directo Princess Connect! Re:Dive #priconne #priconne_anime #PrincessConnect #PrincessConnectReDive
via YouTube
Show HN: A version control system based on rsync
Show HN: A version control system based on rsync Hi everyone! I'm trying to create a version control system that solves some of the problems that Git and other version control software has when working in a team. Let me know if you have any feedback! January 19, 2023 at 01:07PM
miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023
Show HN: Codex – Find and Replace for Code
Show HN: Codex – Find and Replace for Code Most code editors' find & replace features are still very close to the original design intended for text documents, so they become unwieldy when you need to match across newlines and indentation for example, or when a parse of the code is necessary to capture a particular expression. Codex ( ) is an attempt to rethink what find & replace should look like in a modern code editor. It defines a simple but powerful syntax for describing code modifications, combining plain text, regular expressions and Tree-sitter queries, along with sensible handling of newlines and indentation*. It can be used just like regular plain text find & replace, but allows freely mixing in regexes and Tree-sitter queries as more flexibility is needed. It introduces "line quantifiers" for matching a bunch of lines at the same nesting level, so basic structural changes can be achieved without even using a query (see the JavaScript function example in the link). I designed Codex with a specific use case in mind (the one I show in my demo video: ), so any suggestions for other things it should support would be much appreciated, as well as general feedback. *Indentation is relative and space/tab agnostic. January 18, 2023 at 09:56AM
Show HN: A toy graphical Linux shell written in Java with Foreign Func&Mem API
Show HN: A toy graphical Linux shell written in Java with Foreign Func&Mem API January 18, 2023 at 06:16AM
Show HN: My daily workouts generated with ChatGPT
Show HN: My daily workouts generated with ChatGPT January 18, 2023 at 10:16AM
martes, 17 de enero de 2023
Show HN: AI analyzes Earnings calls for profit
Show HN: AI analyzes Earnings calls for profit I have been working on this AI that analyzes earnings report line by line and highlights texts based on the sentiment Here is a direct link to some of the popular stocks' latest earnings analysed with AI Meta Platforms [ link in comments ] Apple, Inc. [ link in comments ] Tesla, Inc. [ link in comments ] The green highlights are positive, and the red ones you can see if you scroll are negative statements I also made a tab on top where you can see, individual statements made on margin, revenue, and growth Hope you guys find it helpful, I'm always happy to take feedback or any more data you wanna see, please feel to comment and let me know January 18, 2023 at 03:32AM
Show HN: Metapict – TikZ like figures using Racket
Show HN: Metapict – TikZ like figures using Racket January 17, 2023 at 11:00PM
Show HN: I made a tool, create GitHub Repository from local directory directly
Show HN: I made a tool, create GitHub Repository from local directory directly Create a remote repository directly from your local folder to GitHub. January 18, 2023 at 02:28AM
Show HN: – Quickly summarize web articles with OpenAI
Show HN: – Quickly summarize web articles with OpenAI January 18, 2023 at 12:59AM
lunes, 16 de enero de 2023
Show HN: AI Remote Setups – Rate remote work setups generated with AI
Show HN: AI Remote Setups – Rate remote work setups generated with AI Remote Setups generates remote work setups or home office setups using AI and lets users rate them. The setups listed on it are astoundingly beautiful and all of them are in ultra high quality. January 17, 2023 at 12:14AM
Show HN: Gen AI career guide for software engineers
Show HN: Gen AI career guide for software engineers January 16, 2023 at 06:29PM
Liked on YouTube: Primer directo de Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Primer directo de Princess Connect! Re:Dive
Powered by Restream Primer directo de Princess Connect! Re:Dive
via YouTube
Powered by Restream Primer directo de Princess Connect! Re:Dive
via YouTube
Show HN: PowerPen: Android utility app for text editing, paraphrasing etc.
Show HN: PowerPen: Android utility app for text editing, paraphrasing etc. We recently launched an android app that can be used to improve email replies, posts, tweets, descriptions etc. Basically, it uses GPT 3 to summarize, grammar check, improve, shorten and lengthen any text. Will be adding more use cases based on user feedback. January 16, 2023 at 07:05PM
Show HN: Smooth-scrolling IBM retro ASCII text to soothe all your illusions
Show HN: Smooth-scrolling IBM retro ASCII text to soothe all your illusions January 16, 2023 at 02:48PM
Show HN: Sketch – AI code-writing assistant that understands data content
Show HN: Sketch – AI code-writing assistant that understands data content January 16, 2023 at 02:33PM
domingo, 15 de enero de 2023
Liked on YouTube: Volvemos a los Directos de fortnite??
Volvemos a los Directos de fortnite??
Powered by Restream Jugando Fortnite con subs Únete aquí Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 9 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - Sígueme y suscríbete con el prime de Amazon ️Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones ¡ Gana dinero con una aplicación móvil muy fácil! - ¡AHORA! NUEVA TEMPORADA 7 DE FORTNITE PASE DE BATALLA Y NUEVO MAPA! #jugandoconsubs #squadsconsubs #jugarfortnite #partidasprivadas #fortnite #outfit #minijuegos #Heretics #partidaprivadafortnite #partidasprivadasfortnite partidas privadas, fortnite en directo, partidas privadas fortnite con subs, partidas privadas fortnite robleis, fortnite partidas privadas servidor brasil, fortnite partidas privadas server brasil, partidas privadas region brasil, fortnite partidas privadas server br, partidas privadas fortnite chile, partidas privadas fortnite willyrex, partidas privadas fortnite thegrefg, partidas privadas fortnite br, partidas privadas fortnite brasil, battle royale, partidas privadas fortnite codigos,partidas privadas fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite lolito, partidas privadas fortnite como crear, partidas privadas fortnite contraseñas, partidas privadas fortnite caos, crear partidas privadas fortnite ps4, partidas privadas fortnite directo, outfit fortnite en directo, partidas privadas outfits, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora, privadas fortnite directo, jugando partidas privadas en fortnite, outfit fortnite directo, jugando con subs fortnite, outfit, outfit fortnite, partida privada fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite región brasil, directos fortnite, fortnite en directo, fortnite partidas privadas, batallas de outfits en directo, directo de fortnite, guerra de outfits fortnite directo, partidas privadas fortnite región brasil en vivo, batalla de outfits fortnite directo, en directo fortnite, en directo partidas privadas, fortnite ao vivo, fortnite batalla de outfits, partida privada en fortnite, partidas privadas con subs,partidas privadas costa este en vivo, partidas privadas en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite guerra de outfits, partidas privadas outfit, batalla de outfits fortnite, directo, directo fortnite partidas privadas dúos, directos ahora mismo fortnite, directos en fortnite, en vivo, en vivo fortnite, fornite en vivo, fortnite directo ahora partidas privadas, jugando fortnite con subs, jugando outfits, jugando partidas privadas, partidas privadas directo, partidas privadas directo fortnite, partidas privadas en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite brasil directo, privadas fortnite costa este, batalla de outfit, batalla outfits fortnite, directo fortnite privadas, directo outfits fortnite, directos ahora mismo, directos de fortnite en vivo, fornite directo, fortnite costa este, fortnite directo partidas privadas, fortnite outfit, guerra de outfits fortnite, jugando con subs, jugando con subs fortnite directo, outfit partidas privadas, outfits region brasil, partida privada, partidas privadas en fortnite, partidas privadas en solitario, partidas privadas en vivo fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite costa este outfit, partidas privadas fortnite costa oeste en vivo, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora mismo, partidas privadas fortnite directo europa, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo brasil, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa oeste, partidas privadas fortnite europa directo, partidas privadas fortnite outfit, partidas privadas outfits en directo, privadas fortnite brasil, privadas fortnite costa este en vivo, batallas de outfits fortnite, como hacer partidas privadas en fortnite, directo de fornite, directo fortnite ahora, directos en vivo, fortnite costumes live, fortnite directo outfit, fortnite directos, fortnite en vivo partidas privadas, fortnite region brasil, jugando fortnite, jugando partidas privadas directo, jugando privadas fortnite, outfits en directo, outfits en directo fortnite, outfits fortnite en vivo, partidas privadas costa este, partidas privadas costa oeste, partidas privadas de fortnite en vivo...
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Powered by Restream Jugando Fortnite con subs Únete aquí Código de Fortnite de creador: Fox_Marc Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de ventajas desde 0'99€: Cuenta canal principal de Youtube - - 9 k Suscriptores Cuenta canal secundario 1k y subo minecraft - 248 Suscriptores Suscríbete y campanita Twitch - Sígueme y suscríbete con el prime de Amazon ️Si quieres contribuir con canal. Pincha aquí ️ ️ Para Donaciones ¡ Gana dinero con una aplicación móvil muy fácil! - ¡AHORA! NUEVA TEMPORADA 7 DE FORTNITE PASE DE BATALLA Y NUEVO MAPA! #jugandoconsubs #squadsconsubs #jugarfortnite #partidasprivadas #fortnite #outfit #minijuegos #Heretics #partidaprivadafortnite #partidasprivadasfortnite partidas privadas, fortnite en directo, partidas privadas fortnite con subs, partidas privadas fortnite robleis, fortnite partidas privadas servidor brasil, fortnite partidas privadas server brasil, partidas privadas region brasil, fortnite partidas privadas server br, partidas privadas fortnite chile, partidas privadas fortnite willyrex, partidas privadas fortnite thegrefg, partidas privadas fortnite br, partidas privadas fortnite brasil, battle royale, partidas privadas fortnite codigos,partidas privadas fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite lolito, partidas privadas fortnite como crear, partidas privadas fortnite contraseñas, partidas privadas fortnite caos, crear partidas privadas fortnite ps4, partidas privadas fortnite directo, outfit fortnite en directo, partidas privadas outfits, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora, privadas fortnite directo, jugando partidas privadas en fortnite, outfit fortnite directo, jugando con subs fortnite, outfit, outfit fortnite, partida privada fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite región brasil, directos fortnite, fortnite en directo, fortnite partidas privadas, batallas de outfits en directo, directo de fortnite, guerra de outfits fortnite directo, partidas privadas fortnite región brasil en vivo, batalla de outfits fortnite directo, en directo fortnite, en directo partidas privadas, fortnite ao vivo, fortnite batalla de outfits, partida privada en fortnite, partidas privadas con subs,partidas privadas costa este en vivo, partidas privadas en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite guerra de outfits, partidas privadas outfit, batalla de outfits fortnite, directo, directo fortnite partidas privadas dúos, directos ahora mismo fortnite, directos en fortnite, en vivo, en vivo fortnite, fornite en vivo, fortnite directo ahora partidas privadas, jugando fortnite con subs, jugando outfits, jugando partidas privadas, partidas privadas directo, partidas privadas directo fortnite, partidas privadas en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite brasil directo, privadas fortnite costa este, batalla de outfit, batalla outfits fortnite, directo fortnite privadas, directo outfits fortnite, directos ahora mismo, directos de fortnite en vivo, fornite directo, fortnite costa este, fortnite directo partidas privadas, fortnite outfit, guerra de outfits fortnite, jugando con subs, jugando con subs fortnite directo, outfit partidas privadas, outfits region brasil, partida privada, partidas privadas en fortnite, partidas privadas en solitario, partidas privadas en vivo fortnite, partidas privadas fortnite costa este outfit, partidas privadas fortnite costa oeste en vivo, partidas privadas fortnite directo ahora mismo, partidas privadas fortnite directo europa, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo ahora, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo brasil, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa este, partidas privadas fortnite en vivo costa oeste, partidas privadas fortnite europa directo, partidas privadas fortnite outfit, partidas privadas outfits en directo, privadas fortnite brasil, privadas fortnite costa este en vivo, batallas de outfits fortnite, como hacer partidas privadas en fortnite, directo de fornite, directo fortnite ahora, directos en vivo, fortnite costumes live, fortnite directo outfit, fortnite directos, fortnite en vivo partidas privadas, fortnite region brasil, jugando fortnite, jugando partidas privadas directo, jugando privadas fortnite, outfits en directo, outfits en directo fortnite, outfits fortnite en vivo, partidas privadas costa este, partidas privadas costa oeste, partidas privadas de fortnite en vivo...
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Show HN: Sleekplan – Feedback Board, Roadmap, and Changelog for Websites March 30, 2021 at 02:23PM
Show HN: Firefox extension to obfuscate web page text Sometimes you might want to share a screenshot of the website you're on, without r...