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viernes, 6 de mayo de 2022

Show HN: A tool to organize, streamline and share your music discoveries

Show HN: A tool to organize, streamline and share your music discoveries I love music and I'm always trying to discover new music that I can enjoy. In the past years I was using a fairly tedious process of organizing the music albums (or DJ sets, radio shows) in a few lists: - Want to Listen - Listened - Listened (and liked) I wanted to keep track of these lists, what I discovered each month/year and share all this activity and lists with my friends. For that, I was using a combination of tools that weren't made exactly for this job (Discogs+Spotify+IM apps), resulting in a cumbersome experience. So a few months ago I started this hobby project, with the purpose of streamlining my process (make it as easy as possible) and making it fairly simple to share it with fellow music explorers. The basic idea is that you add items to your "Want to Listen" list - these are music albums (or even mixes), that you want to listen. After you listened to them, you can mark them as "Listened" or "Listened and liked". Your activity is then shared with your friends, and you have a public profile where this activity and your lists appear. You can think of it kinda like "Goodreads but for music". There are a few ways to add items to your lists (more to be added in the future): - search by artist name or release title - add using a Discogs release URL - add using a Mixcloud URL - add using a Spotify album URL It's still in super early version, so there are a lot of missing features and for sure a lot of rough edges. I'm open to feedback and suggestions! You can find it at A public profile: Stack: Rail, Postgres (also powers the full-text search capability) External APIs used: Discogs, Spotify, Mixcloud Data provided partly by: Musicbrainz (~2.6M releases indexed currently) Hosted on: (but I'll probably move it to a VPS) May 6, 2022 at 01:14PM

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