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miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2022

Show HN: Create Matplotlib visualizations from the command-line

Show HN: Create Matplotlib visualizations from the command-line I do lots of data analyses in the command-line and I was missing a simple utility to plot the output of a command (without having to script it). I like very much the Matplotlib API but I found no CLI to pipe data into it. So, I wrote MatplotCLI, a simple CLI that reads data from the stdin and allows to easily create interactive plots from the command-line. Have a look at the README for examples and recipes. Let me know what you think, thanks! Some examples: $ plt "hist(x,30)" < sample.json $ cat sample.json | plt --no-show "hist(x,30); savefig('myimage.png')" $ plt --no-input " x = np.linspace(-1,1,2000); y = x*np.sin(1/x); plot(x,y); axis('scaled'); grid(True)" $ echo ' {"a":0, "b":1} {"a":1, "b":0} {"a":3, "b":3}' | plt "plot(a,b)" March 22, 2022 at 08:30PM

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